Academic Support and Peer Learning
Our Academic Support Program provides peer learning support in math, science, and writing through a partnership with SMART Learning Commons and Student Writing Support (SWS). SMART Peer Learning Consultants in math and science, along with SWS Writing Consultants, are available to work with students in the resource center. The program aims to develop academic skills and confidence of AAPI students.
Come work with our SMART Peer Learning Consultants and SWS Writing Consultants! No appointments are required. Just walk-in and sit down with our fantastic peer consultants.
Meet our SMART Peer Learning Consultants (coming soon)
Career Connections Discussions & Workshops
Career Connections is a series of workshops about career readiness and interests. Career Connections workshops take into account unique AAPI experiences such as parental expectations, cultural values, and life roles. Students engage in a variety of discussion topics with other AAPI students, staff, faculty, and professionals about navigating the AAPI experience to reach their career goals. Career Connections events provide professional networking opportunities and resources to support students for success in their majors and after-college opportunities.
View Events & Activities announcements for information about upcoming Career Connections discussions and workshops.
Teaching Pathways Program
The Teaching Pathways Program provides resources, opportunities, and support for students to explore teaching and education career pathways. Students of color benefit academically when they are in classrooms with teachers of the same race. Minnesota’s urban school districts enroll a large percentage of Southeast Asian students, with some urban schools having majority Southeast Asian student enrollment. However, only 2.5% of Minnesota’s K-12 teachers are Asian American. More Asian American teachers and educators are needed to meet the representation of Asian American students in Minnesota.
The Teaching Pathways Program connects students to specialized College of Education and Human Development teaching programs, courses, workshops, professional development, and networks to progress towards teaching and education careers.
Participating College of Education and Human Development teaching and education partners:
View Events & Activities announcements for information about upcoming Teaching Pathways Program events.
AAPI New Student Welcome
The AAPI New Student Welcome is a celebration and introduction to the APARC community for incoming first-year and transfer students. The AAPI New Student Welcome is not just another orientation event. The goal of the event is to celebrate the beginning of students' college journey, immerse students with our vibrant and dynamic AAPI community, and engage students in thinking about how their AAPI identity will help them grow college students. The welcome event also provides opportunities to meet new AAPI students, connect with AAPI Student Leaders, and find out ways to join great organizations! Come to discover who you are and join a community that is here for you.
View Events & Activities announcements for information about upcoming Cultural Connections Orientation events.